Hello autumn
The leaves are starting to turn, it’s getting colder and I have cravings for spiced lattes. It must mean autumn is on its way.
Oh how things have changed
The last blog post I did was back in February, about my first vacation with my boyfriend to Scotland. So much has changed since then - it feels like forever ago since we were there. If you’d have told me back then how things would be now, I wouldn’t have believed you.
The last seven months have been horrendous. Not just from a ‘look at the world right now’ point of view (because seriously... what an absolute state) but also from the perspective of my health.
2020 has been both the best and worst year of my life.
Best, because I’m moving in with my boyfriend and starting an awesome new job soon.
Worst, because of a combination of the pandemic and a massive psoriasis flare, combined with what I believe is topical steroid withdrawal (TSW).
I so desperately wanted this year to be incredibly awesome. I wanted to get stronger and fitter, I wanted to feel my most beautiful and sexiest. I wanted to go to places and make awesome memories. Everything that has happened in 2020 has stopped me from doing all those things.
Psoriasis is a wanker
I’ve had to shave my head because my hair kept falling out. I did buy some wigs and they were actually awesome, but then it all spread to my face and I had to stop wearing makeup, so I figured there was just no point in making an effort.
I do think it’s more than just psoriasis though. While my scalp and patches on my legs seem a bit psoriasis-ish, the majority of it (face, neck, chest, abdomen) seems more like topical steroid withdrawal (TSW). My skin flips between weepy and red to dry and constantly shedding. The more people I follow on Instagram who suffer with TSW, the more I recognise their symptoms in me.
I am now under the care of a dermatologist (it took a while due to the pandemic) and he’s going to start me on adalimumab (which can also treat IBD so that’s good!) so I’m really hoping it can help control the flare. However I do genuinely think I need to ween off and STAY OFF topical steroids for good.
A fresh start
Autumn always feels like a fresh start. The change in season, the ‘back to school vibes’ and my work’s financial new year.
In a few weeks I start my new job, still with the same company which is good. It’s actually the job I had a couple of years ago when I moved to Denmark - I’m just very fortunate that I can do it from the UK. I cannot wait to start, and hopefully one day soon I can go back to visit my colleagues in Denmark and spend some time in one of my favourite cities of all time, Copenhagen.
I’m also selling my house and moving in with my boyfriend which is bloody awesome and exciting. There’s no rush as such with selling it, but I would love it if it was done and dusted by Christmas. But let’s just see how it goes!
Hopefully it won’t be long until I have some good news to post about soon!
In the meantime, you can follow my progress on Instagram @thailaskye
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