Road to recovery (hopefully)

 If you’ve been following my journey on Instagram, you’ll know that I’ve had a bloody tough time with my skin.

What started off as a misdiagnosis of psoriasis, the latest biopsy now causes them to think it’s “very bad eczema”.

The dermatologist said the eczema may have started small but was then ‘super-charged’ by bacteria due to infected skin (which I still believe all started with the steroid ear spray and topical steroids to treat an ear infection back in 2019) and then just spread as the rest of the skin started breaking down (what with my compromised immune system from years of being on Azathioprine for my Crohn’s disease anyway).

It’s been one week since I started the oral steroids and, as predicted, my skin has improved significantly. The dermatologist has said that I can start tapering down each week by 5mg. Once the oral steroids are finished, he also wants me to wean off the cyclosporine, but we’ll see where I am at the next appointment in June.

So far, I am seeing huge improvements to my skin, which is obviously giving my mental health a HUGE boost. I’ve been suffering for so long, so it’s nice to feel normal again!

The swelling, oozing and redness has gone, which means I can move around so much easier! And I actually feel comfortable!

As always, I’ll be doing updates on Instagram so make sure to follow me there: @thailaskye


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