January Goals

Now that it’s January, I decided to set some goals for the month. These are to help me work towards my 2020 goals for the year (which I’ve also included in the bottom of this post for reference).

January Goals:

- Join the gym
- Reduce alcohol intake
- Increase water intake
- Track food intake
- More content creation (Instagram & YouTube)
- Blog more!
- Do more visiting of friends and family

Summary of my 2020 Goals

2020 Mission Statement: 
Creating a stronger, better version of myself, through perseverance and hard work.

- Lose the unhealthy amount of body fat that I started the year with (38% > 22%)
- Portion control and eliminate binging
- Improve cardio-vascular system
- Gain muscle
- Stay sober for 80% of the year (20% is for special occasions)
- Improve health of skin, hair and nails
- Visit friends and family more
- Get control over spending and get as close to having £5K savings as possible
- Minimalise and declutter 
- Execute at least two campaigns at work with minimal assistance
- Holiday abroad at least once, with local breaks where possible 
- Visit a National Trust location at least once a month


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